
International Cuisine, Locally Sourced

By |2023-11-17T01:00:56-08:00June 26, 2016|

If you love international cuisine but also understand the importance of locally-grown and locally-sourced foods, then you should love the perfect blend of both worlds embodied by Harried and Hungry, a Seattle-based cafe and catering company! Not only do we support local businesses and shop at local farmers markets, we

We Make Food You’ll Fantasize About

By |2024-08-13T10:20:33-07:00February 24, 2016|

Harried and Hungry isn’t like any other lunch cafe in Seattle. We are incredibly choosy about our ingredients and process, and try to keep everything on our menu as fresh, local, and exciting as possible, and we never stop dreaming up recipes. Not only does the variation keep our customers

Eat Like a King with Duck Confit (And More!)

By |2023-11-17T01:05:31-08:00January 10, 2016|

We are always looking for interesting new ingredients to add to our menu, not only because our customers value (and have come to expect) variety, but because we love to experiment with different techniques and cuisines in the H&H kitchen. Harried and Hungry is one of the few downtown Seattle

Preserving the Summer at Harried and Hungry!

By |2023-11-17T01:17:55-08:00August 13, 2015|

We’ve been very excited about all amazing local produce that’s being harvested around Seattle right now. Harried and Hungry prides itself in bringing you the best seasonal, regional ingredients, but what happens when the seasons change and those ingredients go off the shelves? You preserve them! Canning, pickling, and drying

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